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内审负责人 (MJ000403)
50000-60000元 杭州滨江区 应届毕业生 本科
英飞特电子(杭州)股份有限公司 2024-09-07 18:49:39
内审负责人 (MJ000403)
50000-60000元 杭州滨江区 应届毕业生 本科
英飞特电子(杭州)股份有限公司 2024-09-07 18:49:39
岗位职责 1、 根据公司全球化整体战略规划,拟定和完善集团内部审计管理制度流程,制定集团年度内审计划; 2、 风险管控:协助建立和完善集团各组织内部体系、流程及制度,对可能出现的风险进行识别、评估; 3、 审计工作:根据内审计划,主导公司内部审计检查工作,并组织落实,包括各种财务审计、业务审计、专项审计、常规审计、舞弊审计等; 4、 编写审计报告、整改建议及阶段性审计总结,并监督审计整改问题合理化建议的落实工作; 5、 对集团及全球各分子公司重大项目及业务操作执行的各个环节进行监控,及时预警运营过程中的潜在风险,提出风险控制建议; 6、 完成上级领导交办的其他工作。 1、 Formulated and improved the internal audit management system process of the Group and formulated the annual internal audit plan of the group according to the overall strategic plan of the company's globalization; 2、 Risk management and control: Assist in establishing and improving the internal systems, processes and systems of each organization of the Group, and identify and evaluate possible risks; 3、 audit work: according to the internal audit plan, lead the company's internal audit inspection work, and organize the implementation, including various financial audits, business audits, special audits, routine audits, fraud audits, etc; 4、 Prepare audit reports, rectification suggestions and periodic audit summaries, and supervise the implementation of rationalization suggestions on audit rectification issues; 5、 Monitor all aspects of major projects and business operations of the Group and global companies, timely warn potential risks in the operation process, and put forward risk control suggestions; 6、 Complete other work assigned by superiors。 任职要求: 1. 本科以上学历; 外资企业同岗位10年以上工作经验; 2. 熟悉财务、审计相关知识,熟悉企业的运作流程; 3. 工作认真负责,逻辑性强,有进取心,原则性强; 4. 良好的沟通、协调能力,敏锐的观察力和较强的学习能力; Qualification Requirement: 1、 Bachelor degree or above; At least 10 years working experience in the same position in a foreign capital enterprise; 2、 Familiar with finance, audit related knowledge, familiar with the operation process of the enterprise 3、 Work seriously and responsible, logical, enterprising, and principled; 4、 Good communication and coordination skills, keen observation and strong learning ability。
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